Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Ebb and Flow of Patience/Hope

I was going to wait and write something when I was in a better mood, but it may be 2010 before that happens, so...I'm having a hard time going to work, I have one more week of my car being impounded and I don't EVEN want to end up walking in the snow. I'll spare you the details of why my auto is in vehicle jail, other than I had another spell of self sabotage (aka stupidity) and this will be one of my most expensive mistakes in quite some time. Step right up Derek now that you've shot yourself in the foot, let's see what you've won! I'm compartmentalizing it well until I leave my place and have to go somewhere. This wouldn't be so bad if it hadn't come after an intensely bad year financially, I just detest "giving" this money to the municipality...Meanwhile, my attitude towards work has taken a nose dive the last week or so. I did get a raise, so I should be happy. I arrived there today after the weekend just seething, fortunately my co-workers were able to lift the mood somewhat, but I just don't seem to have any patience right now. Hope I have a little of, a teaspoon here, a teaspoon there. All I know is I don't want to be in this mindset next year at this time. Onward Donner, on Blitzen--and whatever your name is!! You, with the red nose, get er done!

I find that I like to read and watch biographies, I find it interesting how people are able to weather extremely hideous circumstances and live fulfilling lives. Not necessarily from rags to riches type stories, although it can be a coincidental aspect of persevering through hardships. In a related subject, it's been said that love waits for welcome, not on time. I can count at least 5 relationships I've lost because of music, I didn't have the time or was a couple thousand miles away. Let's just say long distance love tends to wither from neglect rather easily.

as John Lee Hooker once sang--"Serves you right to suffer, you're gonna live alone..."


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