Monday, September 27, 2004

In Defense of Introspection

I've noticed that our culture here in the USA seems to be hellbent on getting outdoors and "doing things". An admirable pursuit, but often this leads to ending up at outdoor markets. It can mean spending a half an hour listening to your now ex-girlfriend discuss the benefits of flax seed with a vendor. Now before I get any email from you flax seed people, please be assured that I condone the practice of taking it. Discussing it's virtues for lengthy periods of time, I think not! I think that all of this hyperactivity is perhaps a grand design oriented conspiracy to keep us Americans from thinking about anything meaningful. (ha ha, just what we need, another conspiracy buff) Yes, keep the distractions coming ladies and gents. I sometimes wonder how our nation's youth deals with the myriad of entertainment possisibilities available. Giving yourself some time each day to truly appreciate the beauty around you is one of the sublime things you can do. Along with this, realize what a truly powerful instrument your mind is. How many fantastic inventions, concepts, etc. have come to those who were "just sitting around"/slacking. Imagination is the true treasure, for it is through it that the splendid creation of art has it's genesis.


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